February 10th - 19th in Fundy Albert is a winter wonderland where communities and nature come together to celebrate this amazing region!
Fundy Albert Businesses and Community Organizations are planning lots of ways to connect with nature!
- Join Cliff Valley Astronomy and Parks Canada to explore and learn about the importance of Dark Sky Preserves;
- Get a head start on your garden planning at Seedy Saturday at the Hillsborough Market;
- Have a peek into the musical world of birds and their songs with Jesse Mea’s Interactive Nature Sound Exhibit and concert;
- Do a little bird watching yourself with a guided hike for the Great Backyard Bird Count after a Birders Breakfast hosted by the Maplegrove Inn;
- Broadleaf Ranch has two days packed full of activities and workshops;
- Maplegrove Inn is hosting Valentine’s Day Teas;
- Farmer Brown’s Greenhouse has a weekend of outdoor activities;
- Hope-Wellness Eco-Resort has a wonderful romantic Valentines’s Day package.
Head to our Facebook page for more details: https://www.facebook.com/FundyFriends/
Keep an eye out for ticket sales for select events on Facebook!