For months now seniors have been entering a new reality. For some, it's a release because they can go back to their daily routine. For others, the situation causes even more anxiety, in particular because it is difficult to respect physical distancing.
Now many seniors are getting out and quietly resuming their old lives. Many were able to resume their activities - meeting at the 50+ clubs, playing cards, visiting family and friends (especially in nursing homes), going to the grocery store or pharmacy, and participating in social activities. Unfortunately, many people don't feel like being exposed to too many others at a time. They accept visits, but prefer to be in small groups only. Also, even though the restrictions have been lifted, not everyone is comfortable going on extended outings in public.
This is somewhat the situation experienced by the 50+ clubs in the province. Many have reopened their doors and resumed their activities, dinners and card games, while others are still fearful of gatherings. We are hopeful that everything can return to normal soon. Our seniors are so in need of socialization, especially after all the isolation of the pandemic.
Our new president, Percy Huntington, has been busy visiting several clubs in different areas of the province to participate in meetings or anniversary celebrations. Three of our seniors’ clubs celebrated their 50th this year!
At the 2022 AGM, with changes to our Constitution and By-Laws, it was determined that the Strategic Plan should now contain long-term goals to be achieved within a five-year period (rather than 10) and strategic goals within a two-year period (rather than five). The last review of the Strategic Plan was in 2017, so the Board set up an ad hoc committee that met on November 2nd to begin the process of revising the existing Strategic Plan. The standing committees of the NBSCF will now each have to meet in order to discuss their goals within the Strategic Plan. The Marketing and Revenue Generation (President, Doris Pauley) and Programs and Services (President, Gerard Breau) committees will meet shortly, and the Management (President, Gildard Lavoie) and Government Relations (President, James Hanley) committees are also planning meetings in the near future. The results will be presented to the Board of Directors at the Tuesday, January 24th, 2023 meeting, and later presented for approval to our members at the 2023 AGM.
The New Brunswick Senior Citizens’ Federation would like to wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year filled with health and happiness!
If you have any questions about our organization or need help concerning seniors in New Brunswick, don’t hesitate to contact us at the provincial office at 1-800-453-4333.