Lab and specimen collection services at Horizon’s Albert County Community Health Centre are by APPOINTMENT ONLY from 8am to 11:30am Monday through Thursday. Call (506) 882-3100 to book an appointment.
Lab and specimen collection services at Horizon’s Hillsborough Satellite Office, 2807 Main Street, Hillsborough are by APPOINTMENT ONLY from 8:30am to 11:30am every Tuesday and Thursday. Call (506) 882-3100 to book an appointment.
All primary health care/nursing services such as: dressing changes, IV antibiotics, injections, etc., are by appointment only. Health care providers will schedule an in-person visit if clinically necessary, or they may also reach out virtually or by phone.
Other services are gradually returning based on the directives of the Chief Medical Officer of Health. Please call the Health Centre if you have any questions or concerns.
If you are scheduled for an appointment at the Health Centre, please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment and wear a community mask. If you don’t have access to a mask, one will be provided for you. COVID-19 screening questions will be asked upon your arrival at the front entrance prior to going to your appointment location.
Albert County Community Health Centre Phone: 506-882-3100
Keep safe!!