continue driving until the pandemic has passed. We also found, because every service was limiting what they were doing, it became very tedious to get police record checks done as the RCMP stations were initially closed to walk ins and stopped during record checks for a period of time. They are now doing record checks again at all the RCMP and Police Stations but some still have restricted hours.
If we get a second wave, we are most assuredly going to need more volunteers. Many of those who stepped up wanting in March and April to help were temporarily out of work due to closures to flatten the curve. Perhaps you were one of them. The unfortunate thing was that at that time, we could not get the proper checks and screening done in a timely manner and those volunteers have now returned to work.
WE NEED VOLUNTEERS. We need volunteers willing to drive clients to appointments while observing proper safety precautions and we need volunteers willing to deliver food and prescriptions to those who self-isolate now and during a second wave.
Volunteers are needed throughout Westmorland and Albert Counties including but not limited to – Salisbury, Petitcodiac, Moncton, Riverview, Dieppe, Hillsborough, Alma, Riverside Albert, Memramcook, Dorchester, Sackville, Port Elgin, Cap Pele, Grand Barachois, Shediac and all points in between.
Volunteer drivers use their own vehicle and are reimbursed $.41/km.
Volunteering as a driver is a great way to meet and help neighbors in the community. Drivers are provided with personal protective equipment to use when transporting clients and doing deliveries.
If you or someone you know has a few hours a month or more and want to be part of a team on a mission to help others get where they need to go, please call 215-2100 or email [email protected] for more information. Drivers need to be over the age of 21, have a valid driver’s license, have a reliable automobile, carry $2 million liability (we will reimburse the extra charge up to $80 per year), sign an oath of confidentiality, clear a police record check, driver’s abstract and provide two references.
Kelly Taylor
Executive Manager, Urban/Rural Rides
(Tele-Drive Albert County is part of Urban/Rural Rides)