2018 Minister’s Excellence in Education Awards (anglophone sector)
19 November 2018
FREDERICTON (GNB) – Nine teachers and two early childhood educators in the anglophone sector have received Minister’s Excellence in Education Awards in recognition of their exceptional work during the 2017-18 school year.
“On behalf of New Brunswickers, I applaud all nominees and congratulate the incredible recipients,” said Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Dominic Cardy. “Their dedication, creativity and innovation in educating our children and youth is something to be celebrated and shared.”
The awards recognize those who have shown exceptional dedication, ingenuity, leadership, passion and professionalism in the education and early learning systems. They also highlight the success of innovative methods of fostering the development of young children and students; exceptional efforts to promote a positive learning environment; and initiatives to support students with difficulties.
The following educators received awards during a ceremony held on Saturday, Nov. 17, in Fredericton:
Anglophone East School District:
· Benjamin Kelly, Caledonia Regional High School, Hillsborough
· Pamela Fowler, Riverview High School